Music Academy

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The Premier Music Academy in DFW

The Premier Music Academy in DFW


• The Ketos Creative Music Academy is different than any other music academy in our area. Because of our close connection to the Ketos Creative Services department and Ketos Records, we have access to resources and opportunities that few music academies can match. We can (and have) truly taken students from beginner to professional level all in one place. We have opportunities and training no matter what level you are at to help you get to the next level. Some of the artists signed to our record label, went through years of training at Ketos before getting recording contracts.

• We are uniquely equipped to train all students of all ages and backgrounds and experience levels.

• Our state of the art facility is MUCH bigger inside that it appears outside. We have a room with 4 pianos / guitar stations / vocal stations for group voice, guitar, and piano training, a room with 4 drumsets for group drum training, and a full service recording studio equipped with sound and lighting for our students, our artists signed to our record label, and for any customer to rent for their own use.

• We offer:
3. ARTIST DEVELOPMENT (Label Supported)

• We firmly believe Small Group Music Lessons are the most effective way to train beginners. Playing with, seeing, and hearing other musicians is essential at the beginner stage. Many studios will put beginners immediately in bands before they have the minimum needed skills to do so. We use our Small Group Lessons to teach the skills necessary to function in a band before you are expected to hold your own as the only person of your type in a band.

The Ketos Educational Philosophy

• All of our music academy offerings are built around our “real world” approach that values experience over pedagogical dogma. We believe that the old adage “those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach” entered the lexicon because the dominant educational philosophy in our culture is curriculum based and “one size fits all.” No one can truly learn to do something just from learning exercises and following a book. An outline of needed skills is important and books help but nothing can replace the experience that comes from actually doing what you are studying. The best teachers in any field are professionals who have chosen to develop the skill and art of teaching yet have also achieved at the highest level of their field so they can walk students from beginner through professional level. “Hands On” real world training. Do it for real to learn to do it for real.

• Our curriculum “Music as a 2nd Language” is designed around this philosophy. We use information you already know to learn music. For example, when you need to learn a rhythm from a song, instead of taking 6 weeks to teach you the standard music counting system, we give you an English (or other language) phrase you can use like “Jump the Mushroom and fall down” that matches the rhythm needed. You can immediately hear the rhythm in your head because you have been doing rhythm in language your whole life. That means you can immediately play it which equals more experience playing actual songs. Then, we slowly teach you the standard music counting system over time through the songs. Exactly like learning any other language. You start by translating from the language you already know. We take this approach to every single thing about our training program. We use information you already know to help you “translate” into music until you can become fluent speaking the language of music and therefore think in that language.

Academy Music Instructors

Studio Membership Pricing

A Ketos Creative Academy Membership gets you:

  • 1. Priority scheduling (all membership sessions are booked before "package only" purchases.)
  • 2. Guaranteed instructor availability for 1 lesson per week (except on scheduled Academy closing dates)
  • 3. Free participation in Academy Showcase performances
  • • You CAN combine Membership lessons and Lesson Packages

See our FAQ for more detail

Private Lessons

  • 30 min - $225 mo.
  • 45 min - $300 mo.
  • 60 min - $375 mo.
  • $50 - one time studio membership fee
  • Membership buys priority scheduling and more!
  • One on One Instruction
  • Once a week lessons
  • Add on more lessons with Lesson Packages!!
$225 - 375month

Artist Development Program

(audition only)
  • 30 min - $375 mo.
  • 45 min - $440 mo.
  • 60 min - $500 mo.

Guitar / Bass / Ukulele Lessons

Coupon Code FREE-TRIAL

Guitar / Bass / Ukulele Lessons

Coupon Code FREE-TRIAL


Piano Lessons

Coupon Code FREE-TRIAL

Piano Lessons

Coupon Code FREE-TRIAL


Drum Lessons

Coupon Code FREE-TRIAL

Drum Lessons

Coupon Code FREE-TRIAL


Ketos Records Artist Development Program

The Ketos Records Artist Development program is an “audition only” program that capitalizes on the business and production expertise of Ketos Records / Ketos Entertainment and the training expertise of the Ketos Creative Music Academy.

In the Ketos Records Artist Development Program, we custom build an individual training program for each artist to meet their needs. Our program includes training for the following areas to build each artists individual brand and more:

  1. Branding
  2. Music (Vocal and Instrumental)
  3. Performance (stage and video)
  4. Fashion
  5. Artist photo shoots
  6. Music videos
  7. Songwriting
  8. Music Production
  9. Video Production
  10. Social Media
  11. Entertainment Business (distribution, publishing, accounting, etc)

In addition to their own recordings as solo artists, each artist records and releases cover songs on all digital platforms under the artist name KETOS Blue (feat. Artist Name.) Instrumentalists who do not sing record instrumental parts for vocalists in the program.

Ketos Blue audio releases

Book an audition

• For the audition, prepare 3-4 songs that showcase who you are as an artist right now. If you have written any original songs, we would like to hear some of those but we also need to hear covers of songs by the artists you feel most closely fit you as an artist right now.

• The audition is a low stress affair where you showcase what you can currently do and we get a chance to get to know you and you get to know us. We are looking for potential and personality not perfection. If you were already perfect, you wouldn’t be seeking training and we understand this. You do not need an error free audition. You need an audition that makes a positive impression. Have fun with it!
